Thursday, March 20, 2008

Tuesday to Thursday

Writing this at 5:15 on Thursday afternoon.

Pictures above are mostly of the sites of Shanghai and Guangzhou. As you can see, most picture of buildings and people as we drive from the hotel to the plant and back to the hotel.

We had traveled to Shanghai on Monday night. Nice Hotel, though it is hard to remember already. There seems to be a constant overcast weather condition. I think it is smog. No odor, just heavy air.

We spent Tuesday with the Engineering team so that was friendly and then toured the razor factory. Very old products (double edge) but a clean site. Many, many people working, because labor is so cheap. They work 40 hours per week for a total of about $45. A few of the pictures above show the people on scooters and walking side-by-side on the streets. Cab drivers steer with one hand and beep the horn with the other. So if you have many cars and many beepers it is laughable how noisy it can get. One of the pictures has a no Horn sign!!!

Dinner at a real chinese restaurant with a lazy susan and lots of so so food in the middle. Tasty but I didn't particularly like my chicken to have the skin on it or to have so many bones, even though they were bite size!! Also, no serving spoons so plenty of double dipping of the chopsticks!!!

Wednesday was the worst day because we were in transit for at least 8 hours. Two suppliers and plenty of driving/flying. Arrived in Guangzhou at 10:30. Work with Grant to position the Potfiller at 12:30!!!!

Today was spent in a P&G tower. 35th floor, reminds me of the Pru. The last picture is my view out the window right now. Lunch was cantonese. Almost exactly like you would get at a good chinese restaurant at home. Spicy beans, spicy beef, rice, etc. They had there pig knuckles but we passed.

Tonight will be early because the ferry to Hong Kong leaves early on Friday. Not much of a visit to GZ but oh well, HK should be more of a chance to see the sites. We will head back to the hotel once I post.

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