Monday, March 17, 2008

Sunday - A day in Seoul

Sunday March 16th

Well, today was bit of an adventure. Not wild, just an adventure.

We signed up for a tour group that would take us to ancient wonders. We got picked up at the hotel at 8:30 along with 5 others, we spent the next hour in traffic as we picked up two more people. Turns out one was back at the our hotel (they forgot him).

Anyway, for the next 10 hours we tooled around Seoul and visited a few interesting places and others which were part of the overall experience of being in a foreign city.

A palace where the king and his family lived in the 1300’s. Picture #1 building artwork and#2 is me in front of the main building. There are about Ten of the houses on the grounds.

Everytime I add a picture it goes to the top so I have decided to tell you what I did and you can look at another posting of just pictures.

We visited a museum of life as a Korean citizen. Tough life, they have been in constant war for centuries and usually on the losing end with China and Japan near by.

We visited a Temple, another Palace. Amazining things about the palace is that it probably the size of Boston Commons and the Flower Garden in Boston, if not bigger. Souronded by housing and walls so you don't get the sense of the size.

The tour was a little bit of a sell job. Advertised as a Amethyst Factory. It was a jewlery store selling purple rocks at high prices and just waiting to haggle. Didn't like the purple look so I didn't buy anything.

Then they took us to a Ginseng Store!!! Another sales scam. Brief tour of why Ginseng form Korea is the best and they attempts to sell $300 supplies for 3 months to cure all that bothers you!!

The last part of the tour was to stop at a couple streets with street vendors. Lots of junk but some odds and ends. We will probably visit a similar scene in HK so I was not looking to buy anything but interesting none the less.

Finally back to hotel at 6:30!!!! Also they fed us a lunch which was fine. All that (including museum access for about $58. Not bad.

After a rest to went to another casino!! Rob is the gambler not me. More to check it out since there aren't many in the area. It was small and only had a few games of cards and roullette. I ended up taking my $60 max to the roullette table, played 10 won (korean money) a spin with the usual numbers of 3, 4, 18, and 22/23. Had 6 chance to win before running out of money. Won on 4th spin with 18, yeah mom, ended up quiting +$21 Won About $19. We were there less than an hour before heading back to the hotel for the night!!

That ended our exciting free day in the city. Look for the next posting of pictures.

luv dad

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