Sunday, March 16, 2008

First 3 days in Words

March 13th,2008

Hello Family and Friends!

This 14 day trip is going to take me and my travel companion, Rob Adams, ½ way around the world. We are going to visit a number of cities. Spend 50 “Scheduled Hours” in the air and who know exactly how many more in transit. Looking forward to visiting a number of the locations and the key supplier companies and P&G sites in this part of the world.

Quick Agenda:

3/13 Thursday Fly to LA
Friday Fly to Seoul South Korea
Sat Arrive in Seoul at 5:00pm
Sun Free Day in Seoul
Mon Work in Seoul, Fly to Shanghai
Tuesday Work in Shanghai, China
Wed Work in Shanghai, fly to Guangzhou China
Thursday Work in G’Zhou
Friday Boat to Honk Kong, Work in HK
Sat Free Day in HK
Sun Fly to Penang, Maylasia
Mon Work in Penang, Fly to Singapore
Tuesday Work in SingaporeWed Fly to Newark, NJ, USA and hopefully timed to get home Wednesday

March 13th
Flight from Boston to LAX was OK. 6 hours went quickly. This is the famous LAX airport tower which is like most things being overhauled!

We had to Drive about 35 miles up to the north of LA. Traffic at noon in LA is probably not much different than any other time of the daylight time so it took us a while.

Good day of work, headed back to the hotel on Marina Del Ray. Ate lunch at the marina hotel surrounded by millions of dollars of idle sailboats. Even saw a good name if we ever get a boat!!

Rob and I ventured out to “casino”! In reality it is a “poker house”. They are everywhere out here. For the 2nd time in my life, the first was out here with Uncle Dan in 1991 I believe and it was pre-Texas Hold-em mania!! I made $76 over a couple hours. Rob took some west coast $$ also and we were back just after 10:00 because Friday was going to be a tough travel day.

Friday the 14th Into Saturday the 15th
Simply put, got to the airport at 9:00, ate and worked until 11:30 for boarding,

First view of Korea

Flew from 12:30 LAX time for 13+ hours and landed in Seoul at almost 6:00pm Korean time on Saturday. Another 1.5 hours to the hotel through a very modern cityscape. Basically this city, which has been a volatile area during the last 70 years (World War 2, Korea, plus a number of local issues) and many redevelopment plans have been implemented.

Walked around the hotel area which was clean and mostly a business area. Starbucks, Burger King and the ultimate American Scene, Two Dunkin Donuts (One on each side of a busy road. Very nice DD’s also.

With exhaustion setting in, we settled back at the hotel lounge/restaurant for light dinner (accompanied by a wedding singer type group from the Philippines sing old USA songs to a sparse crowd)

Sunday the 16th
I am sitting here at 6:30 am entering the first info on this site. I have a few pictures but traveling in the car here didn’t allow for many good action shots in the dimming lights.

Plans for today are to join a tour group for a trip to “Ancient Korea” A series of museum stops, a staged Korean Village, and many photo ops I would imagine. My limited history knowledge tells me that the location of Korea so close to China and Japan has made it very difficult at times for Korea to be free.

Sunday 7:00am local – Signing off

1 comment:

Jen said...

Cool dad! Take lots of pictures! Feel free to buy as many fun things for me as you want!