Monday, March 17, 2008

How I spent my St Patrick's Day in Korea!

I just took the picture above (5:00 am Boston time on Monday moring), @ 6:00 pm in the airport in Korea.

We got here a little early so I was able to update the blog and add pictures. Hope you enjoy.

Today was the first new supplier visit. A company named HoongA. Hoong means "to Grow" and the A stands for Asia. They make equipment that packages blitsters. Think of any cards that hang on a peg with a card in the back and a clear front.

Interesting day and interesting hosts. We had lunch with the top two guys and it was a traditional Korean meal with many small courses of all kinds of veggies with garlic and spices. Overall very tasty but hard to replicate I am sure. Had to take off the shoes to enter the restaurant. They make a big deal out of exchanging business cards, face hand and bow. I can say a polite hello, AnnYoungSayoh!!

We then drove another 1.5 hours to the airport. Checked in and waiting to board at about 6:40 (5:40 your time).

That is all for now. Flight from 7:15 for 2 hours. I believe when I get to china we move to only 12 hours ahead. Hopefully i will have blackberry coverage once there.

Talk to all later. Jess, Jen, David, hope all is well and please send along a message of what is happening with you (haven't check email today). I miss you all.

Love Dad

1 comment:

Nothing said...

Wow reading your blog title I read your blog carefully hoping that you have been Nepal too but couldn't find that. sssoooooooooo saaaaaaaad.........